

Ten one-semester courses are required for the major in Chemistry, plus five co-requisites from other departments. 10门一学期课程共37学分,辅修课程共22学分.

Undergrad. Program

Our graduate students emerge from a competitive field of over 200 applicants. In keeping with BCC’s tradition of excellence, 当他们加入默克尔化学中心的同事时,他们带来了异常强大的定量和分析技能.

Graduate Program

Quick Facts


Candidates in the Ph.D program


Chemistry majors


Biochemistry majors


Full-time faculty members

Fellowships, Awards, & Recruiting

Industrial Recruiting

Industrial Relations

通过教师电子游戏正规平台互动和校友关系,BCC与行业有着紧密的联系. Our industrial colleagues provide generous support for our seminar series, most notably Novartis, Merck, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Strem and Bristol-Myers Squibb.  BCC校友在整个生物技术/制药行业担任重要领导职务, 我们的工业招聘计划帮助电子游戏正规平台生和本科生在工业中获得职位.

Industrial Recruiting Program

Every year, BCC管理着一个工业招聘计划,该计划将不同公司的代表带到Merkert化学中心面试符合条件的学生,以获得学位后的工作机会. 本项目面向BCC所有本科生、电子游戏正规平台生和博士后. 在最后一年学习的博士后助理、电子游戏正规平台生和本科生可以参加他们寻找永久职位的活动. A few of the corporate partners who recruit at BCC include Amgen, AstraZeneca, Biogen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Incyte, Merck and Takeda.

Honors & Awards

Student Awards

电子游戏软件化学系致力于为本科生和电子游戏正规平台生提供一个具有挑战性的环境. 我们很高兴我们的学生在面对他们的课程作业和电子游戏正规平台经历的要求时不仅达到而且经常超出我们的期望. Today, 我们承认那些在系里得到认可的学生的成就, collegial, national, and international levels. 这些热情和敬业的学者体现了我们系的高标准, 我们期待着观察他们未来对科学界的贡献.


A number of Chemistry Department students, both undergraduate and graduate, 每年在课堂和电子游戏正规平台实验室的卓越表现得到认可. Acknowledgment of their accomplishment can come from departmental, collegial, national, or international levels, as well as from the Department’s industrial sponsors.

However, each year, 该系将三个非常特殊的奖项颁发给同样特殊的本科生和电子游戏正规平台生群体. 了解这些荣誉背后的杰出个人,并查看最近的获奖者名单.

Brian Lawrence Gray Prize

Brian Lawrence Gray Prize

布赖恩·劳伦斯·格雷化学杰出本科学者奖于2010年由其父母为纪念已故的布赖恩·劳伦斯·格雷而设立, Melvin and Marie Gray of Garden City, New York. Brian, who received his B.S. 他是一位极具天赋的年轻科学家和学者. In the laboratories of Professor Amir Hoveyda, Brian与他人共同撰写了科学论文,并共同发明了一种重要的烯烃复分解催化剂,这种催化剂现在被工业和学术界的化学家广泛使用. It is income from that patent that funds the prize bearing his name.

After graduation, 布莱恩作为英国马歇尔学者在剑桥大学待了两年, where he carried out research in the laboratories of Professor Steven Ley. 布莱恩随后回到马萨诸塞州,以国家科学基金会电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台员的身份进入哈佛大学化学和化学生物学系,并成为Stuart Schreiber教授电子游戏正规平台团队的一员. 布莱恩去世时已经完成了博士论文的写作.

Brian Lawrence Gray Prize Winners

Julia Curley, Henry Dieckhaus, Chun (Alice) Li, Erik Liu, Kaitlin Malley,徐东敏.

John Kozarich

John Kozarich Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

In 2008, Dr. John Kozarich BS ’71, endowed the summer fellowship program that bears his name, 作为对电子游戏软件化学系本科生电子游戏正规平台经历的致敬, 他认为正是这一点为他在学术和制药电子游戏正规平台领域的惊人事业播下了种子. 科扎里奇夏季本科生电子游戏正规平台奖学金为化学专业的本科生提供奖学金,与电子游戏软件电子游戏正规平台生和博士后一起在教师电子游戏正规平台实验室工作.

Dr. Kozarich received his B.S. in Chemistry summa cum laude from BC and his Ph.D. in biological chemistry from MIT. He was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. He currently serves as chairman and president of ActivX Biosciences, Inc. and was formerly vice president at Merck Research Laboratories. Dr. Kozarich还曾在马里兰大学和耶鲁大学医学院任职. He has over 125 publications and holds three patents.

表彰他在筛选候选药物的蛋白激酶和蛋白酶靶点方面的工作, Dr. 2009年10月,Kozarich获得了美国化学学会圣地亚哥分会颁发的杰出科学家奖.

Kozarich Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows

Gretchen Brown, James McCoy, Lauren Tran, Johnny Wang, Nicholas Wong

John Lamattina

LaMattina Family Graduate Fellowship in Chemical Synthesis

成立于2005-06年,由约翰和玛丽·拉马蒂纳承诺100万美元, the LaMattina Family Fellowship in Chemical Synthesis, 通过向合成有机化学领域的博士生提供奖学金来支持电子游戏正规平台生项目.

Dr. John LaMattina, BS ’71, 2003年,他在新罕布什尔大学获得博士学位,并在普林斯顿大学做了两年的美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院博士后. 他于1977年加入辉瑞公司,并在辉瑞中心电子游戏正规平台部门担任越来越重要的职务. He retired as senior vice president for worldwide development in 2007. Currently, he is a Senior Partner at PureTech Ventures.

Presently Dr. LaMattina is serving as an officer on the Boston College Board of Trustees. 在他的职业生涯中,他获得了许多荣誉,其中包括1998年电子游戏软件校友科学卓越奖和美国化学学会的Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in Chemical Research Management in 2010.

LaMattina Family Fellowship in Chemical Synthesis Recipients

Ashley Biernesser, Andres Baggett, Jessica Chan, John Coombs, Zachary Giustra (Scholar), Jacob Ishibashi, Hwanjong Jang, Gabriel Lovinger (Fellow), Tyler Mann, Jesse Myhill, Thach Nguyen (Fellow), Bowman Potter, Miao Qi,  Ying Shi, Yong Wang (Scholar), Liang Zhang, Yuanzhe Zhang