Degree Requirements

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

A typical sequence for a student accepted into the Ph.D. program can be found on the admitted students page. The requirements to obtain a Ph.D. Degree are listed below.

  • Achieving a Ph.D. 在第二年结束前通过综合考试(CE).
  • 在通过综合考试的一年内通过电子游戏正规平台提案考试(RPE),提前获得候选资格.
  • Pass the following graduate courses
    • Classical Mechanics
    • Statistical Physics I
    • Electromagnetic Theory I
    • Quantum Mechanics I
    • Mathematical Physics I
    • Quantum Mechanics II
    • Statistical Physics II
    • Physics Graduate Seminar I
  • Pass four of the following graduate courses
    • Solid State I
    • Solid State II
    • Techniques of Experimental Physics
    • Seminar: Topics in Physics
    • Other Electives offered periodically by the department.
    • No more than one comparable graduate course offered in other departments.
  • Completion of the Thesis Research and Defense.

Comprehensive Examination

The comprehensive examination is a written exam that covers all of physics that a physics graduate student can be expected to know at the end of one year of formal course work in the curriculum; however, it will stress classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics. The examination is prepared and administered by a faculty committee, appointed by the Chairperson, 考试结果经本系全体教员同意,由本委员会评定.

该考试每年举行两次,在每学期开始前一周举行. 学生必须通过两门考试中的一门,才能在第二年结束前继续电子游戏正规平台生课程. A student, who fails the first attempt, MUST make their second attempt the next time the exam is offered. 第一次尝试通常是在学生的第二个秋季学期开始前一周进行的秋季考试. If unsuccessful, the second try would be a spring exam, one week before the beginning of their second spring semester. 特别准备充分和合格的学生可以通过提前一周到达参加秋季考试或在第一年参加春季考试来进行第一次考试. 选择这样做的学生,如果第一次考试没有通过,必须在下个学期开始前参加CE考试.

Research Proposal Examination

Within one year of passing the comprehensive examination, a student shall take the Research Proposal Exam (RPE). 口试的目的是让学生理解某一电子游戏正规平台领域的电子游戏正规平台成果,并确定一个电子游戏正规平台项目,解决该领域一个或多个开放性的重要问题.

The RPE will be a 40 minute, 公开陈述之后是20分钟的考试委员会私下提问. 提案应详细说明如何解决悬而未决的问题,最好包括初步结果. RPE的主题将由电子游戏正规平台生的电子游戏正规平台顾问选择,不一定是学生的最终论文主题. 这些问题将不局限于RPE主题,但也要求学生展示一定的广度. 考试将由学生的博士论文导师准备的委员会进行评估,该委员会将由至少两名额外的系教员组成. The student will have at most two opportunities to pass this exam. 第一次考试未通过的考生必须在6个月内进行第二次考试. Students will not advance to Ph.D. candidacy without passing the RPE, 并在两次不成功后,将不会获得部门的额外助教支援.

Thesis Defense

Upon the student's passing performance of the RPE, the student and their advisor, in consultation with the Chairperson, 设立博士论文委员会,由导师担任主任委员及至少三名终身教职人员组成, with at least two from the physics department. 委员会将阅读和评估完成的论文,并举行公开会议,论文答辩在口头考试. 论文经博士论文委员会口头审查后,在正式标题页上批注后,论文被接受.

Master of Science in Physics (MS)

Students who are accepted into our Ph.D. program have the option to obtain a Master’s degree. 有兴趣的学生应填写硕士学位选择表,并需要完成以下列出的要求.

  • Achieve a Master’s passing score on the comprehensive exam
  • Pass the following graduate courses
    • Classical Mechanics
    • Statistical Physics I
    • Electromagnetic Theory I
    • Quantum Mechanics I
    • Mathematical Physics I
    • Quantum Mechanics II
    • Physics Graduate Seminar I
  • Pass three of the following graduate courses
    • Solid State I
    • Solid State II
    • Statistical Physics II
    • Techniques of Experimental Physics
    • Seminar: Topics in Physics
    • Other Electives offered periodically by the department
    • 硕士论文一篇,提交给电子游戏正规平台生项目主任并经其批准(算作两门课程)

Master of Science in Teaching

The Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) degree is administered through the Lynch Graduate School of Education in cooperation with the Department of Physics. 它要求同时被林奇教育学院和物理系录取. 本课程要求至少十五(15)学分来自电子游戏正规平台生或高年级本科物理课程. These credits will most often include two of the following courses: PHYS7711, PHYS7721, PHYS7732, PHYS7741.

所有获得中等教育认证的硕士课程除了课程作业外,还包括实践经验. 在马萨诸塞州寻求认证的学生需要通过马萨诸塞州教育工作者认证考试. The M.S.T. 物理资格考试将根据学生的实际课程计划进行. 一份由全职电子游戏正规平台生指导的电子游戏正规平台论文是必需的. For further information on the M.S.T., please refer to the Lynch School of Education section entitled "Master of Education (M.Ed./M.A.T./M.S.T./C.A.E.S) in Secondary Education" or call the Office of Graduate Admissions, LSOE, at (617) 552­-4214.

Good Academic Standing

To continue enrollment as a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Physics, 学生必须在电子游戏正规平台生工作课程的所有三个方面保持可接受的表现和进步水平, teaching, and research duties. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) consistent with the policies of the Graduate School of the MCA&S. In addition, 学生应该在第三年结束时完成所有必修课程, consistent with the requirements that Ph.D. 学生还应根据部门提供的时间表,在通过综合和电子游戏正规平台提案考试方面取得进展. 作为教学或电子游戏正规平台助理,学生必须圆满完成所有指定的任务. 职责由他们的教学和/或电子游戏正规平台主管根据分配的时间确定. 这包括在项目的第六年结束时及时完成毕业, as determined by the thesis adviser. During their meetings with their academic adviser, 被推荐人的学术地位应至少每学年讨论一次. 有丧失良好学籍危险的学生,应收到书面通知, with a follow up meeting scheduled within one month. A time-line for improvement and consequences will be clearly stated in the letter.