Collaborative Digital Projects Lab

  • Tuesday: 2:00-5:00 p.m. in Stokes S376 (seminar room)
  • Wednesday: 2:00-5:00 p.m. in Stokes S394 (fish bowl)

Have digital humanities (scholarship related to digital anything) ideas you want to talk about or think through? The Collaborative Digital Projects Lab (CDPL) is a new space for scholars at all levels to explore and develop their ideas about scholarship with digital aspects, be it textual analysis, charts and tables, or mapping.

A couple – but not all! – the things we love chatting about:

  • Advise on project development
  • Data Visualizations with bar charts, word clouds, tree maps in Tableau, Excel, etc.
  • Mapping and Storymaps with ArcGIS, Leaflet, or Knightlab
  • Podcasting and audio editing
  • 3d modeling
  • Giving feedback and evaluate on people’s work (think peer editing and grading)
  • General bouncing ideas related to digital things and scholarship

Meet the Team

is a fifth year PhD student in the 英语 Department who specializes in 19th and 20th Century literature and narrative studies. 丹 has a background in group annotations, lesson planning, and digital exhibits. 丹 can be reached at

Catherine is a 5th year PhD student in 英语 literature writing about the Gothic tradition in World War I literature. Catherine has a background in instructional design, text analysis and digital exhibits and has worked with the following tools: ArcGIS (mapping), TEI (using Oxygen XML Editor) , Omeka年代, Knightlab Timeline JS, and Catherine can be reached at

山姆 is a third year PhD student in the 历史 Department who specializes in the LGBTQ+ communities of Boston in the mid-twentieth century. 山姆 has a background in GIS (mapping), text analysis, and data visualizations. 山姆 can be reached at

蜜蜂 是Ph值.D. in history, teaches digital humanities, and is the history librarian at Boston College. 蜜蜂 is obsessed with migration studies and thereby comes to their fascination with demographic data and mapping. 蜜蜂 can be reached at

Mission Statement

The Digital Humanities Certificate 程序 Group established a Collaborative Digital Projects Lab to provide a space on campus for humanities faculty and graduate students to explore collaborative, team-based approaches to digital pedagogy, 电子游戏正规平台, and its communication to the broader public.

The Lab provides a core for establishing connections and partnerships both within and outside of BC. The lab will be explicitly interdisciplinary, drawing in students from diverse departments who will have the opportunity to both apply and further develop their skill sets designing and developing innovative 电子游戏正规平台 and classroom activities. This group will become a sounding board for faculty and group members to develop guidelines for an expanded range of Digital Humanities classes as well as discuss project evaluation, assisting with the growing demands for support in DH which the digital humanities graduate certificate program has created.