Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

莫里西文理学院电子游戏正规平台生院(GSMCAS)提供攻读哲学博士学位的课程.D.), Master of Arts (M.A.), and Master of Science (M.S.). In addition, GSMCAS可以接受那些不寻求学位但有兴趣为个人充实而学习课程的学生作为特殊学生.

The Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences also offers several dual degree options. The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) and Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) are offered in cooperation with the Lynch School of Education Graduate Programs. The Master of Arts/Juris Doctor (M.A./J.D.) and the Doctor of Philosophy/Juris Doctor (Ph.D./J.D.) are offered in cooperation with the Boston College Law School. The Master of Arts/Master of Business Administration (M.A./M.B.A.), and the Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Business Administration (Ph.D./M.B.A.) are offered in cooperation with the Carroll Graduate School of Management. The Graduate School also offers, through select departments, a Fifth Year Master of Arts (M.A.) and Master of Science (M.S.) program for high-achieving BC undergraduates wishing to pursue an accelerated graduate program.

General Information

The Deans’ Office of the Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences in Gasson 108 is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to assist prospective students with general admissions inquiries and current students with any academic or student services needs. Application information may be found on the Graduate School website:

The course schedule is available online prior to each semester’s registration period at the Course Information and Schedule link at The International Student Office, the Office of the Dean for Student Development, and the Graduate Student Association provide non-academic services for students.

Master's Degree Programs

Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science


硕士学位的候选人必须是认可的学院的毕业生,通常必须在建议的学习领域至少有18个学期的高年级工作. In case of deficiencies, prerequisites may be earned in the graduate school by achieving a minimum grade of B in courses approved for this purpose. Where there is some doubt about a scholastic record, acceptance may be conditional. 候选人将在完成第一学期的课程或获得至少六个学分后,由部门评估并推荐院长批准.

Course Credits

The number of graduate credits required for the degree varies by department. No more than six graduate credits will be accepted in transfer toward fulfillment of course requirements, as described more fully under “Transfer Credit Policies” under Academic Regulations.

Fifth Year B.A./M.A. and B.S./M.S.

In cooperation with the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School offers five year B.A./M.A. and B.S./M.S. programs in some disciplines. See the Undergraduate Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences for further information.

Doctoral Degree Programs

Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

The Ph.D. 学位仅授予在特定领域取得的杰出成就,以及在符合高标准学术的原始电子游戏正规平台基础上修改或扩大论文中重要主题的能力.

Requirements for the doctoral degree are specific to departments and may be found under departmental listings. 要求和程序的详细说明应直接向学生感兴趣的部门索取.


The philosophy of the residence requirement is that a doctoral student should experience the total environment of the University. Residence for at least two consecutive semesters of one academic year, during which the student is registered as a full-time student at the University, is required. A plan of study that meets this requirement must be arranged by the student with the department. 每学期注册两门课程被认为是满足持有全年奖学金和助教奖学金的学生的居住要求. The residence requirement may not be satisfied, in whole or in part, by summer session attendance.

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program

Where departmental doctoral programs are unable to satisfy the interests of the student, an interdisciplinary doctoral program remains a possibility. However, students must first be admitted to a departmental program. A student interested in exploring such a possibility should first make an inquiry to the GSMCAS Dean’s Office.

Special Students (Non-degree)

Non-degree seeking students, who are interested in pursuing course work at the graduate level, may apply for admission as special students. 许多人作为特殊学生进入GSMCAS的部门,要么是为了探索他们对学习高级学位的兴趣的严重性,要么是为了加强他们以后可能申请学位学习的凭证. Others may wish to pursue coursework in keeping with their intellectual interests or for other purposes. Admission as a special student does not guarantee subsequent admission for degree candidacy. 作为特殊学生被录取的个人,如果后来希望申请成为学位候选人,必须提交额外的申请文件,并被接受攻读学位. 作为特殊学生所获得的可用于学位要求的学分数量由相应部门根据GSMCAS规定确定.

Those admitted as special students may take courses only in the department that has recommended their admission. 在最初获得录取的学期之后,作为特殊学生继续学习课程必须获得录取部门电子游戏正规平台生项目主任的许可.


Eligibility and Application Information

莫里西文理学院电子游戏正规平台生院是一个不分种族向所有学生敞开大门的学术团体, ethnic or national origin, religion, color, age, gender, marital or parental status, veteran status, disabilities, or sexual orientation. 机会和经历在平等的基础上提供给所有学生,并以这样一种方式承认和欣赏他们的个人和文化差异.

申请进入GSMCAS的申请人必须至少拥有认可机构的学士学位,并提供满足电子游戏正规平台生学习所需的能力和准备的证据. This evidence consists primarily, but not exclusively, in the distribution of undergraduate courses and the grades received in them. Please consult your intended department for additional program-specific requirements.

Individuals lacking a bachelor’s degree generally are not admitted to GSMCAS classes. In order to attend graduate classes, 没有学士学位的人应通过伍兹高等教育学院院长或其他学院申请授权, in the case of Boston College undergraduates, through their appropriate dean and with the approval of the chairperson of the given department. Such students will receive only undergraduate credit for the course taken in the GSMCAS, and the course credit will be entered only on their undergraduate record. For regulations governing the simultaneous master’s/bachelor’s degree, students should consult their department.

GSMCAS accepts two classes of applicants—degree students (degree-seeking) and special students (non-degree-seeking).

A completed application to GSMCAS includes the application form and official transcripts, as well as any program-specific requirements, e.g., GRE scores, statement of purpose, writing sample, letters of recommendation, etc. For these additional requirements, please consult the requirements of the department to which admission is being sought. All application materials should either be submitted online or sent to the Graduate Admissions Office, Gasson 108.

Applicants for special student status are only required to submit an application form, statement of purpose, and official transcripts. All application materials should either be submitted online or sent to the GSMCAS Admissions Office, Gasson 108.

学位和特殊学生在填写完整的申请表并提交积极的部门推荐后,由招生和管理副院长批准,才被正式录取. Admission should not be presumed without receipt of official notification from the Associate Dean.


For the necessary application forms and information, students may either address their requests to the department of interest or to the Graduate Admissions Office, Gasson 108.

Information on the GRE and TOEFL tests may be obtained from the Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 or at

All documents submitted by applicants for admission become the property of GSMCAS and are not returnable.


Announcements of acceptance or rejection are usually sent no later than April 15 for September admissions, but may vary by department. Decisions are made on the basis of departmental recommendations and the fulfillment of prerequisites. No student should presume admission until he or she has been notified officially of acceptance by the Associate Dean.

Financial Aid

Academic Awards

Stipends and scholarships are available to aid promising students in the pursuit of their studies, including:

  • Graduate Assistantships
  • Research Assistantships
  • Teaching Assistantships
  • Teaching Fellowships
  • Tuition Scholarships
  • University Fellowships

申请完成的个人通常会被他们希望学习的部门考虑经济援助. No separate application is necessary. 获得这些助学金或奖学金的学术要求必然比获得GSMCAS录取的要求更为严格.

  • 电子游戏正规平台生不能同时从两个学院或部门获得大学经济援助(津贴和/或学费奖学金).
  • Graduate students who hold fellowships or assistantships may not be employed full-time without the Dean’s approval.

Fellowships and Assistantships

University Fellowships

University Fellowships are available in some departments offering the Ph.D. degree. These awards do not require service to the University.

Teaching Fellowships

Teaching fellowships are available in some departments. Duties, including the nature and number of hours (though in no case to exceed 20 hours), and stipend amounts vary by department.

Graduate Assistantships and Teaching Assistantships

Graduate and Teaching assistantships are available in some departments. Duties, including the nature and number of hours (though in no case to exceed 20 hours), and stipend amounts vary by department.

Research Assistantships

Research Assistantships are available in some departments. Research Assistantship duties, including the nature and number of hours (though in no case to exceed 20 hours), and stipend amounts vary by department. Summer research opportunities are available on some research projects. For further information, contact the department’s graduate program director.

Tuition Scholarships

Tuition scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement and promise. These awards do not require service to the University.

Procedures for Financial Aid Recipients

At the opening of each school year, or at whatever other time financial aid may be awarded, 奖学金和助教奖学金获得者必须向人力资源服务中心报告,填写他/她的人事和税务信息表.

An aid recipient who relinquishes a fellowship, assistantship, or a tuition scholarship must report this matter in writing to the department chairperson and to the Dean. 如果学生的学习成绩或在职援助不令人满意,这些奖励可以在学年的任何时候终止. They may also be discontinued for conduct injurious to the reputation of the University.

Other Sources of Financial Aid

Students interested in other sources of financial aid, such as work-study funds and various loan programs, should inquire in the Office of Student Services where all such aid is administered. Refer to the earlier section on financial aid in this catalog.

Academic Regulations

Full-Time Enrollment Status

Full-time enrollment in the Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences is 9 or more credits.

All students are considered half-time with six credits.


The credit amounts listed above are used to determine a student’s enrollment status for loan deferments, immunizations, medical insurance requirements, and verifications requested by other organizations.

Graduate schools may also define full-time status by a student’s course work or role responsibilities as listed below:

  • All doctoral candidates in the Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences are considered full-time students.
  • 硕士候选人被认为是全日制学生,如果他们是全日制注册和/或通过学术单位获得助教奖学金或奖学金, e.g., Graduate Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Teaching Assistants, or Research Assistants.

Transfer Credit Policies

Graduate students may request the transfer of no more than six graduate credits. 如果学生的成绩达到B或更高,并且该课程没有被申请到先前的学位,则该课程将被考虑转学. If approved, the transfer course and credit, but not the grade, will be recorded on the student’s academic record. 在学生进入他或她目前的学位课程之前超过十年的课程所获得的学分不接受转学. Students are advised to consult with the procedures and policies of their department or school for exceptions to this policy.